Common Causes of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is something that almost everyone suffers from at the same time in their lives, be it permanent or temporary. High noise and age are the most common contributors to permanent and temporary hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss develops due to damage to the cochlea, which is part of the inner ear. The cochlea is filled with small hair cells that bend when you find sound energy. Too much noise can damage hair cells and cause hearing loss.


Noise-induced hearing loss can affect people of any age. It can develop from a sudden accident, or slowly over time. When someone suddenly loses hearing, this is usually due to a very loud sound, such as an explosion, gunshot, or crackers near the ear. Loud noise damages the ear structures and produces instant, intense, and sometimes permanent hearing loss. Medical attention is usually required.


Rock concerts and other loud sounds can lead to temporary ringing and hearing loss. This causes a muffled hearing that generally lasts for a few hours, but may last for weeks! Repeated exposure to loud sounds can lead to hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is usually gradual and permanent. It can also be avoided by avoiding loud noises or wearing an earmuff when close to noisy areas.


The noise tone and exposure time determine whether or not the noise is harmful. Occupational noise is the most harmful type of noise due to its high exposure level. Exposure to loud music and the use of power tools and noise from everyday appliances, such as mixers and vacuum cleaners, can lead to a gradual decrease in hearing.


Although we generally face contributors to noise-induced hearing problems every day, noise-induced hearing loss can be prevented. Wearing earplugs and loss of ear while close to loud noises protects the ear and protects against damage to the inner ear.


Age-related hearing loss, or hearing cramping, is also caused by damage to the inner ear. Age-related problems in hearing are known as sensorineural hearing loss. SharpEar This occurs when nerves in the breakdown of the inner ear prevent proper hearing.


Age-related hearing loss can also be caused by age-related changes in the body that affect the eardrum and inner ear bones, affecting how the sound is heard. Other health conditions related to blood pressure and blood movement cause changes in pressure in the ear that lead to hearing problems.


There is no way to reverse age or noise-induced hearing loss. Devices such as headphones, phone amplifiers, pagers, and e-mail help people with hearing difficulties communicate. Using sign language to communicate can be beneficial in cases of severe hearing loss.


Although age-related hearing problems are difficult to avoid, noise problems can be prevented. It is important to always remember to protect your ears when they are close to loud noises.


Neville Street is the managing director of Rodriquez MD, a bilingual medical practice in Lawrenceville, GA that provides SharpEar healthcare for infants, children, adolescents, and adults. Dr. Gwinnett Deborah and Veronica Rodriguez are two sisters with a 27-year experience. Doctors hold a board degree in family and internal medicine and Gwinnett doctors have extensive experience working in private clinics.